4/26/10 The last Ersatz Glow show, originally scheduled for 2003, is finally going to happen. The date is still tentative but we will be opening for Building Rockets, who will be playing their last Florida show for the foreseeable future. Check www.buildingrockets.com for more details.
9/03-5/05 Sam formed Building Rockets, which is still his main musical outlet. Jason continued to play with The Revenant until their breakup, and now is half of A Woman's Weapon. BJ was originally part of Building Rockets, but left the band in mid-2004.
12/6/03 I added some pictures from our last show in June to the Chronology page.
11/9/03 Finally, some good news! The h.o.m.e. compilation is finally out, and it's a double CD, 42 bands for $8. Go get it at www.signalpathrecords.com.
Also, 2 new releases are on the horizon. Watch this spot...
9/1/03 I am sad to report that Jason has decided to take an indefinite hiatus from Ersatz Glow. We will play one more show and finish the record that we started. Our plans after that are unclear. We'd like to thank everybody who supported us these past five years. Rest assured we are not at all done making music. See you all very soon. -Sam

Copyright © 1999-2010 Ersatz Glow.